Sexual Abuse Lawyer

A Message From Los Angeles Sexual Abuse & Assault Lawyers: Sexual Predators, Your Time is Up!


One of Los Angeles’s highest-rated personal injury attorneys, Vinny Agemian, has spent more than 10 years winning cases on behalf of survivors of sexual abuse, including rape, sexual assault, sexual molestation, and improper touching. Vinny, a top sexual abuse and sexual assault lawyer in Los Angeles is Uniquely Qualified to bring lawsuits against Sexual Predators. 

He understands that winning justice for a sexual assault survivor requires not just legal expertise. It also demands a compassionate understanding of the traumatic and long-lasting effects that sexual assault can have on the spirit and mental condition of a survivor.  

The team has succeeded in getting sexual abuse and sexual assault survivors the highest possible awards in their lawsuits while securing them a sense of justice and closure for the terrors they have endured.

Do not wait. Contact us immediately!

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse refers to any form of non-consensual or unwanted sexual activity or behavior imposed on an individual. It involves the violation of a person’s autonomy, boundaries, and consent. Sexual abuse can occur in various contexts, including interpersonal relationships, institutions, or communities.


“The key to winning a settlement for survivors of sexual abuse is to understand the psychology of both your client and sexual predator.”

Vinny Agemian

Here are some key aspects of sexual abuse:

  1. Lack of Consent: Sexual abuse involves engaging in sexual acts without the explicit and voluntary consent of all parties involved. Consent should be informed, enthusiastic, and freely given. Any sexual activity without consent is a violation.
  2. Power Imbalance: Sexual abuse often occurs in situations where there is a power imbalance between the abuser and the victim. The abuser may exert control, authority, or influence over the victim, making it difficult for them to resist or report the abuse.
  3. Types of Behavior: Sexual abuse can take many forms, including but not limited to:
    1. Non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration
    2. Fondling or groping without consent
    3. Forced oral sex
    4. Sexual exploitation, such as human trafficking or pornography involving non-consenting individuals
    5. Sexual coercion or manipulation
    6. Unwanted sexual contact or touching
    7. Sexual harassment, including unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, or creating a hostile environment through sexual comments or gestures
  4. Impact on Victims: Sexual abuse can have severe and long-lasting effects on the victims’ physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a range of other psychological and emotional difficulties.
  5. Reporting and Support: It is essential for victims of sexual abuse to have access to resources and support networks. Reporting the abuse to appropriate authorities, such as law enforcement or helplines, can initiate investigations and potentially hold the abuser accountable. Mental health professionals, counselors, or victim advocates can provide support, counseling, and resources for survivors of sexual abuse.
If you or a loved one has experienced any of the above forms of sexual abuse, please contact us today to schedule your free consultation with one of our expert sexual abuse lawyers.

Institutions Where Sexual Abuse Most Often Occurs

Sexual abuse and sexual assault can unfortunately occur in various types of institutions, where individuals may be particularly vulnerable. Here are some common types of sexual abuse and sexual assault that can occur within institutions:

Workplace / Offices

Sexual assault can happen in workplaces or offices where power imbalances exist, such as between supervisors and subordinates, and may involve coercion or exploitation of professional hierarchies. However, it can also occur between two coworkers of equal rank in the company. It can occur through unwelcome advances, harassment, or even assault, creating a hostile environment for victims.

Inpatient Treatment Facilities / Rehab

Sexual abuse can occur in inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, mental health institutions, hospitals, or other healthcare settings. It may involve staff members or other patients taking advantage of the vulnerability of those seeking treatment.

 Prisons and Correctional Facilities

Sexual abuse can happen within prisons, jails, or other correctional institutions. It may involve guards, staff members, or other inmates subjecting individuals to non-consensual sexual acts or harassment.

Foster Care and Residential Facilities

Children and vulnerable individuals placed in foster care or residential facilities can be at risk of sexual abuse by caregivers, staff members, or other residents. Such abuse can have severe and long-lasting consequences for the victims.

Daycares / Nannies / Childcare Centers

Sexual abuse can occur in daycares, nanny services, or childcare centers, where caregivers may exploit their positions of trust and authority over vulnerable children. Instances may involve inappropriate touching, coercion, or other forms of exploitation, violating the safety and well-being of the children under their care.

Educational Institutions

Sexual abuse can occur in schools, colleges, or universities. It may involve teachers, professors, coaches, or other authority figures taking advantage of their position of power to engage in inappropriate sexual behavior with students or other staff members.

Religious Institutions / Churches

Sexual abuse can occur within religious institutions, involving clergy members, priests, pastors, or other religious leaders. Victims may be subjected to sexual abuse or exploitation by individuals in positions of trust and authority.

Sports Clubs / Organizations / Camps

Sexual abuse can happen within sports organizations, including youth sports teams, athletic clubs, or professional sports teams. Coaches, trainers, or other individuals involved in the organization may exploit their authority and engage in sexual misconduct with athletes. It can similarly happen in youth camps, such as summer camps, sleepaway camps, and more.

Military Institutions

Sexual abuse and sexual assault can occur within the military, involving fellow service members or superiors. Such abuse may be characterized by a power imbalance and can have significant implications for the victims’ well-being and military careers.

Hotels / Resorts

Sexual assault can take place within hotel or resort settings, where guests or staff members may exploit the privacy and transient nature of the environment to perpetrate acts of harassment or assault against others, including individuals who may have been trafficked and are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. Instances can involve perpetrators taking advantage of vulnerable situations, such as intoxicated guests or individuals isolated in their rooms, leading to serious violations of personal boundaries and safety.


Sexual assault can occur within shelters, where individuals seeking refuge from homelessness or domestic violence may face heightened vulnerability to exploitation. This can involve both staff members and other residents taking advantage of the trust and dependency placed on shelter services, leading to incidents of harassment, coercion, or assault. Moreover, survivors of human trafficking may also be at risk within these environments, further exacerbating their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.

It is important to recognize that these examples are not exhaustive, and sexual abuse and sexual assault can happen in other institutional settings as well. Addressing and preventing such abuse requires a comprehensive approach, including implementing policies, training staff, creating safe reporting mechanisms, and holding perpetrators accountable.

Have you or a loved one experienced sexual abuse or assault?

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault in an institution, it is crucial to seek support from professionals, such as counselors, therapists, or victim advocates, who can provide guidance and assistance tailored to your specific situation. Reporting the abuse to the appropriate authorities is also important for initiating investigations and ensuring accountability.

Steps to Take After Sexual Assault

Los Angeles sexual abuse attorney Vinny Agemian, recommends five important steps that every sexual assault or sexual abuse survivor should take as soon as they can:
Step # 1: Move to a Safe Place

Depending on your age and the circumstances surrounding the sexual assault incident, your first priority should be to move to a safe place. Survivors often experience shock, get overwhelmed, or go through a temporary sense of de-realization or denial. But as far as possible, the first step should be to calm down, move away from a lonely place, and not wander in isolation in order to avoid the danger of another encounter with the assaulter.

Step # 2: Confide in a Trusted Person

According to attorney Agemian, one of the first coping mechanisms in the aftermath of a sexual assault may be to reach out for support and confide in someone who can be completed trusted. You may want to call a trusted family member or a close friend to seek immediate physical and emotional support.

Step # 3: Seek Timely Medical Attention

It’s best to visit an Emergency Room or a medical center equipped to handle sexual assault related medical cases. A medical professional will examine and treat your physical injuries, and if necessary, they may give you medications or other medical support to keep your relaxed. The hospital may also provide you with a sexual assault forensic exam kit (“rape kit”), which can be used to collect bodily forensic evidence and DNA samples. Seek medical attention as soon as you are able to.

Step # 4: Process the Traumatic Experience

Survivors may often try to avoid processing the traumatic experience they have gone through. But avoidance does not lead to healing. Medical support, professional therapy and counseling, and support groups may be helpful in dealing with the damaging psychological and emotional effects of the incident. Support from trusted family and friends combined with professional support can help in processing and coping with your emotions.

Step # 5: Contact the Agemian Law Group

Even if you feel you are not prepared to file a police report right away, or you are worried about the social impact (particularly if the sexual offender is someone known to you or is a prominent member of the community), or you fear retaliation (if the assaulter is in a position of authority or power, such as an employer), it is still prudent to seek private, confidential and free legal advice from accomplished sexual abuse lawyer Vinny Agemian, in Los Angeles.

Vinny and his legal team will listen to your situation and discuss your best legal options according to your needs. If you are ready to file a police report, Vinny will help ensure that bodily forensic evidence is collected as soon as possible or is frozen and stored at the medical center for future access. 

You will feel empowered when you have the full force of the law behind you and an aggressive yet compassionate attorney Vinny Agemian, who will leave no stone unturned to get you justice and the financial compensation you rightfully deserve.

Were You Sexually Abused By A Therapist in Los Angeles?

If so, you should consult a therapist sexual abuse lawyer in Los Angeles immediately.

If you are looking for a therapist sexual abuse lawyer in Los Angeles, contact The Agemian Law Group immediately for assistance.

Our results: $1,100,000 million settlement for our client for sexual abuse by teacher

Vinny, and the top sexual abuse lawyers at his law firm in Los Angeles.

The win came after a hard-fought litigation battle, characterized by an arrogant refusal by the attorneys for the City to offer any reasonable settlement to Vinny’s client prior to trial.

After originally starting with $150,000, the City essentially made a mere $350,000 offer to settle the case just before the jury was sent out to deliberate. Upon advice and consent of his clients, Vinny rejected the City’s offer.

Vinny and his clients wanted the City punished for their arrogance and to help prevent other children from facing this horrible crime. After a relatively short deliberation, the jury found that the Board of Education acted with reckless disregard for the child entrusted to their care and awarded one of the highest verdicts in Los Angeles’s history.

The settlement will never change what happened, and no amount of money will ever compensate this little girl for the horror she went through.

Damages For Sexual Abuse

Los Angeles sexual assault attorney Vinny Agemian, is determined to pursue maximum possible financial compensation for every victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault. We will work hard to establish a case for the following damages: 

Economic Damages: Medical bills, physical therapy, professional counseling, treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), rehabilitation costs, costs related to full or partial disability, current and future loss of income because of injuries or mental distress, relevant transportation costs, assistive devices, and any other associated financial costs may be a part of economic damages. 

Non-economic Damages: Compensation for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and emotional distress occurring as a result of the incidence of sexual abuse or sexual assault. Attorney Agemian will aim to establish damages with medical evidence and third party expert testimonies if needed to obtain the largest possible compensation.

Punitive Damages: If the act of sexual abuse or sexual assault was particularly egregious or heinous in nature, attorney Agemian will also seek to establish a case for punitive damages (exemplary damage) so that the victim is rightfully compensated for the extreme physical and mental trauma they have suffered. 

How to Prove Sexual Assault

In Los Angeles, when you file a civil suit for financial damages against a defendant for sexual abuse or sexual assault, the burden of proof lies on you. It means, proving their fault is your responsibility as a plaintiff (or the victim of sexual assault).

You need a highly rated sexual assault attorney such as Vinny Agemian, who has thorough knowledge of the law and extensive courtroom experience to convince a judge or jury on your behalf it is more likely than not that the defendant committed sexual abuse or assault against you.

Recent laws offer help for sexual abuse & assault survivors

In Los Angeles, we are working hard to help sexual abuse victims receive justice. Over the past several years there have been new laws enacted make it easier for sexual assault victims to press both criminal and civil charges.

In addition, these laws provide survivors of second- and third-degree rape with additional time to file both criminal charges against the abuser and civil actions against the predator and private or public institutions potentially liable for the act.

Adult Survivors Act 2022 (ASA):

On May 24, 2022, Los Angeles passed the Adult Survivors Act(S66). The ASA provided a limited window until November 23, 2023, allowing survivors of sexual assault who were 18 years old or older at the time of the occurrence to bring lawsuits for the offense regardless of how long ago it was committed. The law in effect, provided an override of the shortened State statute of limitations and allowed survivors to bring a lawsuit against the perpetrator and any institutions and/or employers that knew or should have known that the sexual assault and abuse was taking place. Some of the common examples are universities or colleges, hospitals, counselors, coaches and doctors. 

This long-overdue Statute recognized that many sexual assault survivors are reluctant to report and/or act on the event because of shame, guilt, the fear of being stigmatized, re-experiencing the event, and depression, amongst other painful feelings. Accordingly, the ASA eliminated the statute of limitations allowing survivors to file claims that would have otherwise been time-barred. The resulting lawsuits empower those who were rendered powerless by their assailants. It allowed for survivors who were emotionally unprepared to come forward, to finally seek closure by action. 

The act has reached its expiration date; however, we are still receiving transfers of existing ASA cases. If you are dissatisfied with your current legal representation for your ASA case or believe your case is not receiving the attention you deserve, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Adult Survivors Act Lawyers in Los Angeles, here at The Agemian Law Group of Vinny Agemian can help.

The “Child Victims Act” (CVA):

  • Encourages survivors to file a claim for money damages not just against their abusers, but also against any public and private institutions that could have prevented the abuse and failed to do so.

  • Provides survivors of child sexual abuse, a one-year, one-time-only period in which to bring a civil action regardless of how long ago the child sexual abuse occurred or how old they currently are. The one-year period ended on August 13th, 2021.
  • Extends Los Angeles’s statutes of limitations for survivors of child sexual abuse.
  • Gives survivors until their 28th birthday to bring criminal charges against their sexual abusers.
  • Allows survivors to bring civil action any time before they turn 55.

Even though the one-year “lookback” window for filing claims under the Child Victims Act ended on August 14th, 2021, some changes made to the statute of limitations for both criminal and civil cases involving survivors of child sexual abuse were made permanent. It means if someone suffered any kind of sexual criminal act, they can still:

  • File a personal injury lawsuit against their abuser(s) or a liable third party (like a church or school) until they are 55 years old. This extension applies to all claims that have not already expired under the old statute of limitations, which was one to five years starting after the survivor turned 18.  
  • File misdemeanor charges until they are 25 years old​, increasing the statute by 5 years. 
  • Press felony charges on the abuser until they (the victim) are 28 years old. Previously, this statute would expire once the survivor turned 23. 
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More Than $80 Million In Settlements Won

Nothing is more important than results. We measure ourselves by what we are able to achieve for our clients. Our mission is to put money into your pocket. Our attorneys have won more than $80 million in settlements for injured victims. Our team of personal injury & employment attorneys will not stop fighting until you and your family get every penny you rightfully deserve.

Find an attorney that you can talk to about the abuse

While it is often tough for survivors of violent attacks or injuries to process and communicate their trauma, it can be especially difficult for victims of sexual molestation or abuse to open up about their trauma. And it ultimately may seem unimaginable for the victims abused as children to speak up and face the ones that injured them.

Under these circumstances, sexual abuse survivors need a sexual abuse lawyer in Los Angeles who will understand, approach the matter 100% on their side, with no holds barred, and ready to fight for justice. Vinny Agemian, is just that attorney.

If you or a loved one have suffered sexual abuse or sexual assault of any kind, sexual abuse and assault lawyers with The Agemian Law Group, are ready to discuss your case and explain your options.

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